
Chinese medicine treatment of renal failure to change the body balance

Traditional Chinese medicine culture profound, especially in the treatment of renal failure, the general if the patient had symptoms of renal failure, to take appropriate treatment. When the patient appears these symptoms when the patient's body balance is broken, in fact, there is a chaotic state, so the treatment of renal failure in Chinese medicine, that is, to better restore the dynamic balance in the human body.
Chinese medicine in the treatment of renal failure, will first adjust the patient's balance from the perspective of the treatment of renal failure. Chinese medicine believes that the kidney in addition to a small part of the metabolic function associated with water, the majority refers to the human body to maintain growth, development and maturity of the function of hormones. Many people to kidney and kidney failure to draw the equal sign. In fact, Chinese medicine refers to the kidney is the human body due to illness and prone to hair loss, eyes dim, teeth shake, backache knee soft, sexual decline and other aging situation.

Kidney can improve kidney disease patients with backache knee soft, cold hands and feet and other symptoms similar to aging, but can not make them out of the kidney's nightmare. On the contrary, Chinese medicine treatment of renal failure, not necessarily the use of kidney drugs. It can continue to reduce the risk of cold patients, it will continue to reduce the timing of recurrent renal failure.

On the other hand, spleen qi can not only change the patient's gastrointestinal function, but also can alleviate the symptoms of nephrotic symptoms of protein and increase serum albumin concentration. The role of traditional Chinese medicine treatment of kidney disease mainly to change the immune, and continuously improve the quality of life. The use of standards must be in accordance with the standard of syndrome differentiation, that is, according to the patient's body to select the appropriate prescription, rather than blindly kidney.

The current Chinese medicine has a good therapeutic effect, can reduce the renal produce too much extracellular matrix, restore the function of damaged kidney cells. But if the kidneys have been completely recession or necrosis, no matter how eat to no avail.

There is a very important thing, only 10% of people do right

People seem increasingly concerned about health and safety issues, the media often exposed food safety issues, a variety of healthy health programs emerge, today's popular to eat this, tomorrow, popular drink that, as people really have begun to pay attention to their own health.
However, there is a very important thing, only 10% of people do right.

When was your last physical examination?
A talking about physical examination, many people have said "no pain does not itch, what is a good check?", Or "I am so young, with a physical examination?
Some people think that "no time", some people think that "white money".
I have asked a lot of people, they said that the last physical examination or when the university ... ...
According to the survey, the country every year to the hospital to do a physical examination of the population, only 10% of the total population.
How important is the regular physical examination?
China Health Report said that as of last year, China's chronic kidney disease patients have accounted for 10% of the total population, that is, every 10 people, there is a kidney disease patients.
For patients with nephropathy, regular physical examination means away from uremia.
We know that early nephropathy in addition to urinary protein, urinary occult blood, almost no other symptoms, many people found that kidney disease, have developed into a chronic renal failure and even uremic period.

If you adhere to regular physical examination, you can get early treatment of nephropathy in a timely manner, to a large extent to avoid the emergence of uremia.
What is the main check for patients with kidney disease?

Nephrotic patients will encounter a lot of examination items: urine, blood, 24-hour urine protein quantitative, B ultrasound, kidney damage, kidney function, liver function ... ... these check items have what role?

1, urine routine
For patients with nephropathy, urine mainly to see "protein" and "occult blood" (some hospitals called occult blood) two, which is used to detect the most basic examination of early kidney disease.
If the urine protein or urinary occult blood to reach more than 2 +, we must pay special attention.
In addition, "glucose" and "ketone body" two, generally related to diabetes, but also need to pay special attention.
It should be noted that the urine routine examination of the interference factor is very much, so usually require patients to leave the middle of the morning urine, and within 1 hour of inspection.

2, blood routine
Mainly to see "white blood cell count", "hemoglobin" and other items, the former said the infection, which means anemia.
Nephrotic patients due to insufficient secretion of erythropoietin, often anemia, often see the patient's blood situation.

3,24 hours urine protein quantification
As the urine of the protein leakage of the situation is relatively vague, so we often use 24-hour urine protein quantitative detection of protein leakage situation.
Urine protein quantification in 0.15g / 24h or more, can be used as a basis for the diagnosis of kidney disease, if more than 3.5g / 24h, is known as a large number of urine protein.

4, B super
B-can be found in renal cysts, stones, water, polycystic kidney disease, etc., is also one of the commonly used inspection items.

5, kidney damage series
Kidney damage series of major visits is the degree of renal tubular damage, especially β2 microglobulin, the main reaction of renal tubular reabsorption function.

6, renal function test
Creatinine and urea nitrogen are very familiar with the examination of patients with kidney disease, and these two values ​​once increased, usually means that the development of kidney disease to the stage of renal failure.
In addition, cystatin C is a very sensitive indicator of renal damage, if elevated, even if other data on renal function tests are normal, but also consider the possibility of kidney disease.

7, anti-phospholipase A2 receptor antibody detection
This is an advanced detection technology, mainly used to determine membranous nephropathy.
Because many pathological types can be expressed as nephrotic syndrome, so if you do not do kidney puncture, it is often difficult to determine the specific pathological type.
Membranous nephropathy is also manifested as nephrotic syndrome, but the use of hormone alone is not good. In the absence of renal puncture under the premise of anti-phospholipase A2 receptor antibody examination of the diagnosis of membranous nephropathy to help a lot.


Nephritis patients can drink? Nephritis patients diet taboo

Can nephritis drink? Liver metabolism of alcohol is at the expense of their own, because in the metabolic process to consume a lot of coenzyme I, coenzyme II and cytochrome P450, the excessive consumption of these substances will lead to liver cell necrosis, and gradually make liver fibrosis Cirrhosis of the liver. This is just the harm of drinking on the liver, it can be said that all organs of the body are harmful. Long-term drinking will lead to anemia, platelet dysfunction, a variety of bleeding; will lead to gastrointestinal malabsorption, nutritional deficiencies lead to the body of vitamin B1, B2 and folic acid utilization decreased, vitamin B6 excretion increased; also lead to high fat Blood disease, atherosclerosis, etc .; these are the harm to the whole body, we know that the rehabilitation of kidney disease need to have a good 'must weeks' environment, drinking on kidney disease rehabilitation .In addition, drinking on the kidneys also hurt, Drinking will affect the body's nitrogen balance, increase protein decomposition, increase blood urea nitrogen content, which will inevitably increase the burden on the kidneys, if the normal problem is not great, but nephritis patients or chronic renal insufficiency in terms of patients, Is the disease rehabilitation of the "stumbling block".

Of course, a small amount of drinking on the body have some benefits, such as can enhance the body's ability to protect against UV damage and so on, but here is a small amount of very few, about one day only into a few grams of alcohol, the general amount of alcohol is not so Less, the amount is difficult to control, therefore, nephritis patients better away from "wine.

Nephritis patients diet taboo

Nephritis patients must pay attention to diet, in daily life, many should not eat food do not eat, or the consequences are very serious, such as wine, tea, coffee, etc. These are not to drink, and there are some spices Some are not to eat the Austrian, like onions, ginger, garlic, curry, mustard, pepper and so on.

All kinds of spices and volatile oil and more vegetables, such as leek, fennel, celery, small carrots and so on. In addition, like spinach, bamboo shoots, amaranth and so on, as well as beans and soy products, animal offal and strong chicken soup, broth, etc. are nephritis patients need to avoid the mouth, at the same time, nephritis patients can not eat fried food.

1, high salt diet

Chronic nephritis edema and blood volume, sodium salt, a great relationship, it must limit the salt, given low-salt diet. Daily salt intake should be controlled in 2-4 grams below, to prevent increased edema and increased blood volume, accidents.

2, high-fat food

Nephritis patients generally have high blood pressure and anemia symptoms, if there is a large number of animal fat, then the high blood pressure, anemia is a great bad influence, mainly because animal fat can increase arteriosclerosis and inhibition of hematopoietic function, so Patients with nephritis must be carefully consumed.

However, if there is no fat intake of nephritis, the body will become more weak, so in daily life can be used instead of vegetable oil, about 60 grams per day.

3, with high purine and high nitrogen content of food

In order to reduce the burden on the kidneys, should limit the stimulation of kidney cells such as spinach, celery, radish, beans, soy products, sardines and chicken soup, fish soup, broth and so on. Because those foods, containing high purine and high nitrogen, in renal dysfunction, its metabolites can not be discharged in time, a negative impact on renal function.

4, strong condiments

Strong condiments on renal function, should not eat. MSG because of more food will be thirsty to drink, in limiting the amount of water, it should be less use MSG.

5, high potassium content of food

People with nephritis and accompanied by high creatinine must not eat with potassium ions of food, such as mushrooms, amaranth, cauliflower, spinach, spinach, bamboo shoots, tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, mustard, fan pomegranate, loquat, peaches, Liu Ding, hard persimmon, oranges, Sakyamata, etc., these are containing potassium ions, there is not to eat raw vegetables.

Other such as coffee, tea, chicken, bovine essence, ginseng essence, thick broth, thin salt soy sauce, salt-free soy sauce, salt, salt and other potassium content is also high. Cooking, the food first to hot water, remove the soup and then fry the oil, can reduce the intake of potassium.


What is simple renal cysts simple renal cysts to how to treat

With the popularity of health examination, kidney cysts more and more people into the line of sight. More and more people suffering from kidney cysts, then, kidney cysts or important? Does it mean getting a tumor? Many patients are very anxious about this.

What is simple renal cysts

Simple renal cysts can occur in all age groups, but the incidence rate increases rapidly with age, is more common in the elderly disease. A large sample of clinical statistics reported that in the 30-40 year-old population, simple renal cyst disease prevalence rate of about 10% to 80 years of age when the prevalence rate is as high as 50% or more. Renal cysts are mostly unilateral, a small number of bilateral, cysts are generally single cavity, usually around the cyst in the small cysts distribution, the majority of patients only 1 cyst, a few have 2 cysts, a very small number of 3 and above cysts. Cysts generally develop relatively slow, the development of a huge cyst (such as diameter "5 cm rare." The kidney volume is normal, most patients without cysts outside the kidney, such as liver cysts, pancreatic cysts, patients without family genetic history. Simple renal cysts No clinical symptoms, the majority of patients found in routine physical examination, renal cyst size is usually not a few years of change, is a benign disease.

Simple renal cysts generally do not need treatment

Some patients in the unit medical report to see the kidneys have a small cyst, although the medical doctor said nothing big problem, can still be very anxious: What is this cyst inside Is it necessary to do surgery? Do not you want to turn into a tumor?

In fact, simple renal cysts generally no harm, the cyst is the urine of the urine, no malignant transformation; and less than 3 cm of the cyst, the kidney function is no effect, do not need treatment. Once the renal cyst more than 5 cm, you can consider under the guidance of the color Doppler ultrasound surgery, surgery is very simple, trauma is also very small, do not need hospitalization, the day you can go.

In fact, simple renal cysts are prevalent in the population and are significantly different from other renal cysts such as polycystic kidney and acquired renal cysts. Acquired renal cysts, as the name suggests, is caused by other factors, mainly in uremic dialysis treatment, most people do not have to worry about; polycystic kidney disease is generally seen in both sides of the kidney, a long several, check the renal function Showing renal function damage, the patient is also associated with hypertension; and simple renal cysts generally appear in a side of the kidney, and a long, normal renal function tests, few clinical symptoms, so found in physical examination Of the majority.

Simple renal cysts are related to age, the older, the higher the incidence. Most people's renal cysts are relatively small, the development is also very slow, asymptomatic do not need treatment. But when the renal cyst more than 5 cm, or cysts oppression surrounding tissue, there waist pain, soreness, lower limb soretic symptoms and other symptoms before treatment. Treatment according to the depth of the cyst can be divided into two kinds: one is said in front of the puncture, for the superficial part of the cyst, this operation is under the guidance of B-long puncture needle from the skin piercing the cyst, Suck out the capsule fluid. There is also a cyst position when the capsule is covered, the use of laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery to remove the cyst, this method has a low recurrence rate, clearance is also more thorough.

Found that simple renal cysts should be in three months or six months after the review of renal color Doppler ultrasound, look at the growth rate of cysts. If the growth is slow, only once every year to check the color Doppler ultrasound observation can be, and life is no taboo.


"Renal biopsy" is the gold standard for correct diagnosis of kidney disease

In China, the incidence of kidney disease is 10%, that is, there are more than 100 million patients with kidney disease in China. It is understood that kidney disease in the early when almost no symptoms, once found is already in the late. Many patients are often due to poor appetite, nausea, vomiting, or abnormal blood pressure and other symptoms to the hospital for treatment, the examination found to be uremia.
For kidney disease, if you can early detection, the cure rate is very high, with the most difficult to treat membranous nephropathy, the cure rate can reach 80%. Liu Zhuren said, in fact, very simple, in the physical examination should pay attention to urine routine examination can be, to accurately diagnose kidney disease, "renal biopsy" is the result of gold standard.

Urine routine to determine whether suffering from kidney disease

Now the general physical examination items are included in the urine of a check, as long as we regularly carry out physical examination, you can early detection of kidney disease. If you do alone, urine only need more than ten dollars. In other words, only a dozen dollars, you can determine whether the kidneys are healthy.

Because of early symptoms of kidney disease, so regular urine routine examination is very important, early detection, early treatment, will effectively improve the cure rate and reduce the economic burden of patients.

Renal biopsy is the gold standard for correct diagnosis of kidney disease

If the urine routine examination results are abnormal, the doctor will usually ask the patient for further examination, such as: renal function test, can determine the degree of kidney damage.

In view of the wide variety of kidney diseases, etiology and pathogenesis complex, the clinical manifestations of many kidney disease and renal histological changes are not exactly the same, for further diagnosis, the doctor will usually require patients to "renal biopsy." This is the "golden standard" for the accurate diagnosis of kidney disease.

"Renal biopsy" is a traumatic check, remove the cost factor, many patients with kidney disease because of fear of safety, do not want to accept, or even refuse to check. Liu Zhengrong director explained, in fact, this operation has been a routine diagnosis of kidney disease diagnosis, the operation is safe, only 10-15 glomeruli, will not cause damage to the kidneys, while the operation time is very short, generally only a few Second.


Spring Health 4 large dish: Runchang drive cold immune

After the beginning of spring, all things recovery, vitality, even if the cold chilly, sudden decline in snow and ice, but also can not stop the spring. At this point, it is also the most active when the body metabolism. The amount of activity in the winter is very small, so in the spring, should strengthen the exercise, make the body more healthy. Is the spring, it is the body feel tired when the time, always said that they were caught by the spring, to remind you to spring health must be healthy.

Warming chicken to regulate immunity
List of reasons: alternating cold and warm spring, eat warm food, not only can be energetic, but also to regulate immunity, prevention of disease. Chinese medicine, the chicken has the temperature of Qi, benefits the five internal organs, tonic effect, can alleviate the weakness caused by weakness, but also regulate the body's immune capacity. Chicken contains more protein amino acids and is more likely to be absorbed by the body.

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Recommended practice: a lot of chicken to eat, soup and clear stew best to keep its nutrition. As the saying goes, the body is weak, eat chicken nourish. In addition, you can also do some potato stewed chicken, mushrooms stewed chicken and other home cooking.

Yang Yang leek to disperse the cold
List of reasons: "spring and summer Yang Yang, autumn and winter Yin". Spring yang rise, should eat more warm yang food. Especially early spring season is still cold, it is best to eat more leeks, parsley, onions, ginger, garlic. Can disperse the cold, but also bactericidal antibacterial. Among them, the chives are called "spring first dish". Leek warm, help to protect the body yang, spring eat can also benefit the spleen and stomach. Leek unique taste is the sulfide contained in the formation of these sulfides have a certain bactericidal anti-inflammatory effect, help to regulate immunity. Coriander, toon, etc. Although the same is warm food, but they are "hair", easily lead to recurrence of chronic diseases. Therefore, it is recommended that people with chronic diseases, do not eat.

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Recommended practice: leek in the sulfide helps the body to absorb vitamin A and B vitamins. Therefore, leeks and rich in B vitamins with pork is a kind of nutritious eating. It should be noted that the sulfide heat is easy to volatilize, so leek need urgent fire fried, in order to keep its nutrition and flavor. Leek is good, but it contains more dietary fiber, not easy to digest, so do not eat too much time.

Increase sweet potato to promote digestion
List of reasons: "province of acid to add to the temper." This is because the spring to eat acidic foods will make the anger more prosperous, and thus damage the spleen and stomach. So it is best to eat more warm and sweet food to help digestion, it is recommended that starchy food. Spring eat sweet potatoes can also prevent the "spring sleep." Sweet potato is alkaline, and can be acidic, to ensure human health. In addition, sweet potato can also maintain the flexibility of the arterial wall, to prevent cardiovascular fat deposition. It contains cellulose can also prevent and relieve constipation.
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Recommended practice: sweet potato cooking is a good practice, but the spring tonic, it is best to use a more moderate way. So porridge is a good choice, the sweet potato cut into small, and rice porridge together, more conducive to digestion and absorption. Porridge can also add some jujube, walnut, are suitable for spring warming food ingredients.

Catharsis honey laxative
List of reasons: the people have "daughter hard to buy spring and vent," saying, is the early spring is a good season for detoxification. After a winter cream Liang thick taste, may wish to quickly give the body to do times "clean". Honey has the effect of laxative, you can relieve the pain of constipation. At the same time, honey has a protective effect on the liver, can enhance the resistance to the disease, so it is the first drink in the spring.

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Recommended practice: the easiest way is to use 60 degrees Celsius below the warm water washed honey, you can keep their nutrition, it is recommended sooner or later a cup. Spring liver qi, affect the spleen and stomach function, jujube have spleen effect. Will go to the core of dry red dates and rock sugar into the soup pot, and then filled with water, the fire burned after the lid, and then continue to cook a small fire to dry completely dry, about 30 minutes. Turn off the fire to cool, drink and then transferred to two tablespoons of honey can be.
         People after the winter, most of the emergence of a variety of vitamins, inorganic salts and trace elements inadequate intake of the situation, such as the spring people often issued stomatitis, angular cheilitis, glossitis, night blindness and certain skin diseases. Therefore, with the arrival of spring and a large number of fresh vegetables listed, people must eat more fresh vegetables, so that nutrition balanced, good health. From the point of view of diet science, the spring emphasizes protein, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals to maintain a relative proportion, to prevent excessive diet, overeating, to avoid liver dysfunction and bile secretion abnormalities.


What is the risk of renal failure, how to protect

Renal failure is a variety of chronic kidney disease development to the late part of the renal function caused by or loss of a pathological state. Renal failure can be divided into acute renal failure and chronic renal failure, acute renal failure disease progression is rapid, usually due to insufficient supply of renal blood flow (such as trauma or burns), the kidneys caused by a certain cause of damage caused by damage or poison Of the injury, causing acute renal failure. The main cause of chronic renal failure for long-term kidney disease, with the time and disease, the function of the kidney gradually decreased, resulting in the occurrence of renal failure.

What system does kidney failure affect?

We will find almost all parts of the body will be affected by advanced renal failure, toxic effects, including the heart, liver, gastrointestinal, brain, bone and skin.

1, renal failure affect the digestive system will appear anorexia, epigastric discomfort, and nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, mouth, urine odor and other symptoms.

2, renal failure affect the nervous system will appear lack of energy, fatigue, dizziness, memory loss, limb numbness, skin itching, and even convulsions, convulsions, coma and other symptoms.

3, renal failure affect the cardiovascular system will appear high blood pressure, heart failure, pericarditis and other symptoms.

4, renal failure affect the blood system will appear anemia bleeding gums, epistaxis and other symptoms.

How to prevent kidney failure?

Infection: infection can cause many diseases, kidney failure is one of them, daily life, we must avoid infection.

Renal ischemia: severe renal ischemia such as severe trauma, large area burns, major surgery, massive blood loss, obstetric bleeding, severe infection, sepsis, dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, especially with shock, are likely to lead to renal failure.

Age and weight history: physical quality to the kidney failure to take advantage of the machine, if you are older, body fat, and have long-term kidney, liver disease, or diabetes, high blood pressure history, it is likely to trigger Acute renal failure.

Overeating nourishing drugs: overeating, poison and infection, are likely to cause kidney failure. Especially long-term serious health problems of patients, usually due to overeating, nephrotoxic drugs and lead to renal failure.

Urinary system Kidney blood flow system: the occurrence of acute obstruction of the urinary system, sudden severity of renal insufficiency is the culprit of acute renal failure. The former a disease can cause urine can not be discharged from the kidneys, after a disease will make the body fluid, resulting in kidney damage.

All patients with chronic glomerulonephritis: chronic glomerulonephritis, chronic pyelonephritis, lupus nephritis, urinary tract stones, diabetic nephropathy, hypertensive renal artery stenosis of patients, must pay attention to treatment, if improper treatment, may lead to Chronic renal failure.