
What is simple renal cysts simple renal cysts to how to treat

With the popularity of health examination, kidney cysts more and more people into the line of sight. More and more people suffering from kidney cysts, then, kidney cysts or important? Does it mean getting a tumor? Many patients are very anxious about this.

What is simple renal cysts

Simple renal cysts can occur in all age groups, but the incidence rate increases rapidly with age, is more common in the elderly disease. A large sample of clinical statistics reported that in the 30-40 year-old population, simple renal cyst disease prevalence rate of about 10% to 80 years of age when the prevalence rate is as high as 50% or more. Renal cysts are mostly unilateral, a small number of bilateral, cysts are generally single cavity, usually around the cyst in the small cysts distribution, the majority of patients only 1 cyst, a few have 2 cysts, a very small number of 3 and above cysts. Cysts generally develop relatively slow, the development of a huge cyst (such as diameter "5 cm rare." The kidney volume is normal, most patients without cysts outside the kidney, such as liver cysts, pancreatic cysts, patients without family genetic history. Simple renal cysts No clinical symptoms, the majority of patients found in routine physical examination, renal cyst size is usually not a few years of change, is a benign disease.

Simple renal cysts generally do not need treatment

Some patients in the unit medical report to see the kidneys have a small cyst, although the medical doctor said nothing big problem, can still be very anxious: What is this cyst inside Is it necessary to do surgery? Do not you want to turn into a tumor?

In fact, simple renal cysts generally no harm, the cyst is the urine of the urine, no malignant transformation; and less than 3 cm of the cyst, the kidney function is no effect, do not need treatment. Once the renal cyst more than 5 cm, you can consider under the guidance of the color Doppler ultrasound surgery, surgery is very simple, trauma is also very small, do not need hospitalization, the day you can go.

In fact, simple renal cysts are prevalent in the population and are significantly different from other renal cysts such as polycystic kidney and acquired renal cysts. Acquired renal cysts, as the name suggests, is caused by other factors, mainly in uremic dialysis treatment, most people do not have to worry about; polycystic kidney disease is generally seen in both sides of the kidney, a long several, check the renal function Showing renal function damage, the patient is also associated with hypertension; and simple renal cysts generally appear in a side of the kidney, and a long, normal renal function tests, few clinical symptoms, so found in physical examination Of the majority.

Simple renal cysts are related to age, the older, the higher the incidence. Most people's renal cysts are relatively small, the development is also very slow, asymptomatic do not need treatment. But when the renal cyst more than 5 cm, or cysts oppression surrounding tissue, there waist pain, soreness, lower limb soretic symptoms and other symptoms before treatment. Treatment according to the depth of the cyst can be divided into two kinds: one is said in front of the puncture, for the superficial part of the cyst, this operation is under the guidance of B-long puncture needle from the skin piercing the cyst, Suck out the capsule fluid. There is also a cyst position when the capsule is covered, the use of laparoscopic minimally invasive surgery to remove the cyst, this method has a low recurrence rate, clearance is also more thorough.

Found that simple renal cysts should be in three months or six months after the review of renal color Doppler ultrasound, look at the growth rate of cysts. If the growth is slow, only once every year to check the color Doppler ultrasound observation can be, and life is no taboo.

