
There is a very important thing, only 10% of people do right

People seem increasingly concerned about health and safety issues, the media often exposed food safety issues, a variety of healthy health programs emerge, today's popular to eat this, tomorrow, popular drink that, as people really have begun to pay attention to their own health.
However, there is a very important thing, only 10% of people do right.

When was your last physical examination?
A talking about physical examination, many people have said "no pain does not itch, what is a good check?", Or "I am so young, with a physical examination?
Some people think that "no time", some people think that "white money".
I have asked a lot of people, they said that the last physical examination or when the university ... ...
According to the survey, the country every year to the hospital to do a physical examination of the population, only 10% of the total population.
How important is the regular physical examination?
China Health Report said that as of last year, China's chronic kidney disease patients have accounted for 10% of the total population, that is, every 10 people, there is a kidney disease patients.
For patients with nephropathy, regular physical examination means away from uremia.
We know that early nephropathy in addition to urinary protein, urinary occult blood, almost no other symptoms, many people found that kidney disease, have developed into a chronic renal failure and even uremic period.

If you adhere to regular physical examination, you can get early treatment of nephropathy in a timely manner, to a large extent to avoid the emergence of uremia.
What is the main check for patients with kidney disease?

Nephrotic patients will encounter a lot of examination items: urine, blood, 24-hour urine protein quantitative, B ultrasound, kidney damage, kidney function, liver function ... ... these check items have what role?

1, urine routine
For patients with nephropathy, urine mainly to see "protein" and "occult blood" (some hospitals called occult blood) two, which is used to detect the most basic examination of early kidney disease.
If the urine protein or urinary occult blood to reach more than 2 +, we must pay special attention.
In addition, "glucose" and "ketone body" two, generally related to diabetes, but also need to pay special attention.
It should be noted that the urine routine examination of the interference factor is very much, so usually require patients to leave the middle of the morning urine, and within 1 hour of inspection.

2, blood routine
Mainly to see "white blood cell count", "hemoglobin" and other items, the former said the infection, which means anemia.
Nephrotic patients due to insufficient secretion of erythropoietin, often anemia, often see the patient's blood situation.

3,24 hours urine protein quantification
As the urine of the protein leakage of the situation is relatively vague, so we often use 24-hour urine protein quantitative detection of protein leakage situation.
Urine protein quantification in 0.15g / 24h or more, can be used as a basis for the diagnosis of kidney disease, if more than 3.5g / 24h, is known as a large number of urine protein.

4, B super
B-can be found in renal cysts, stones, water, polycystic kidney disease, etc., is also one of the commonly used inspection items.

5, kidney damage series
Kidney damage series of major visits is the degree of renal tubular damage, especially β2 microglobulin, the main reaction of renal tubular reabsorption function.

6, renal function test
Creatinine and urea nitrogen are very familiar with the examination of patients with kidney disease, and these two values ​​once increased, usually means that the development of kidney disease to the stage of renal failure.
In addition, cystatin C is a very sensitive indicator of renal damage, if elevated, even if other data on renal function tests are normal, but also consider the possibility of kidney disease.

7, anti-phospholipase A2 receptor antibody detection
This is an advanced detection technology, mainly used to determine membranous nephropathy.
Because many pathological types can be expressed as nephrotic syndrome, so if you do not do kidney puncture, it is often difficult to determine the specific pathological type.
Membranous nephropathy is also manifested as nephrotic syndrome, but the use of hormone alone is not good. In the absence of renal puncture under the premise of anti-phospholipase A2 receptor antibody examination of the diagnosis of membranous nephropathy to help a lot.

