
Eat kidney can really kidney What are the symptoms of nephritis?

What are the symptoms of nephritis?
Misunderstanding 1: avoid salt

Folk legend nephritis patients to avoid salt hundred days, in fact, this is no scientific reason. I do not know the salt is essential for metabolism of body tissue elements, long-term ban salt not only can not alleviate the role of the disease, but will make many organs function decline is not conducive to recovery. Light to make the disease extended, severe life-threatening. Under normal circumstances, if no obvious swelling and high blood pressure, the daily should be added 3 to 5 grams of salt, severe edema or high blood pressure, may be appropriate to reduce salt intake, 1 to 3 grams per day is appropriate.

Misunderstanding 2: that eat animal kidney can kidney

In fact, although the animal kidney protein content is high, but unfit for human consumption, because of its cholesterol, purine content are high, will increase the burden on the kidneys, causing adverse consequences.

Misunderstanding 3: patients with kidney disease do not want to drink more water, fear of increased kidney load

Actually, on the contrary, the daily metabolites in the human body rely on urine to bring out the body. If the lack of urine, but will cause the body's waste accumulation, increased kidney damage.

1, sweets must be banned (unless the low blood sugar)

First for patients with high blood sugar, sweets must be prohibited, such as sugar, brown sugar, rock sugar, glucose, maltose, honey, chocolate, candy, fruit sugar, candied fruit, and so on.

2, if the blood sugar control is not good not to eat fruit

If you can control very well, then you can eat a small amount of low sugar content of fruits such as apples, pears, oranges, oranges, grapefruit and so on.

3, pickled products must be prohibited

Pickled food which contains a lot of carcinogens, eat more words will not only cause cancer, but also for the kidney damage is also great. Pickled food which contains a lot of chemicals, the damage to the body is also great. If you are kidney disease patients, usually the best to eat some of the more light food, so for the kidney is also a great advantage.

4, should not eat the following food

Spinach, bamboo shoots, leeks, fennel, celery, small carrots, etc., as well as soy products, animal offal, rich chicken soup, broth, etc., fasting fried food.

5, do not eat irritating food

Such as wine, tea, coffee, etc., all kinds of spicy condiments, such as onion ginger garlic, curry, mustard, pepper, all kinds of spices.

6, should be less salt diet

In the absence of edema, high blood pressure, the daily intake of salt is about 4g, in a swollen, high blood pressure, due to low-salt diet, daily intake of salt for 2-3g, or salt-free diet, Daily intake of salt is less than 0.5g, not eat high salt foods such as pickles, salted eggs, bacon, pickles, preserved eggs, fermented bean curd and so on. Do not eat bananas, because the banana contains more sodium, and nephritis patients with edema, hypertension must limit the intake of sodium.

