
The fourth phase patients with IgA nephropathy can live either

Stage IV patients with IgA nephropathy can live either?A lot of people asked this question. Something about the life of many people want knowledge, not to mention that these kidney patients it! About the life of Stage IV IgA nephropathy this topic, see the following analysis, hoping to be helpful to you.
In fact, with its focus on four patients with IgA nephropathy can be much longer, it would be concerned about how to prolong the life of Stage IV patients with IgA nephropathy. And each patient and each patient's life is not the same, a lot of factors that are affecting the life expectancy of patients. So, how to prolong the life of Stage IV IgA nephropathy it?
First, the patient should receive a timely and effective treatment. Micro-Chinese Medicine penetration therapy is a good choice, because the efficacy of this therapy is significant, and no side effects. This therapy is mainly aimed at repairing the damaged kidney cells and restore the glomerular filtration rate, to prevent the leakage of protein and red blood cells. In addition, this therapy is a topical therapy, the drug after activation through more active, you can more quickly penetrate into the interior of kidney effects in the kidney, and the lasting effect, less recurrence. In addition, it is particularly important to control complications, many kidney patients died of kidney disease is not itself, but died of a variety of serious complications. IgA nephropathy is the main complication which proteinuria, hypertension, hematuria, edema, hyperkalemia, and malnutrition. Control in a timely and effective treatment of these complications can prolong the patient's life.
In addition to treating addition, reasonable and healthy diet also plays a patient's life can not shirk responsibility. The patient's diet is not only to comply with IgA nephropathy four dietary requirements, nutritional supplements should also be timely to avoid malnutrition. In addition, proper exercise and optimism can also prolong the patient's life.
In short, the Stage IV IgA nephropathy may be much longer is personal, early appropriate treatment, a healthy diet, proper exercise and optimistic attitude can help you extend the life of Stage IV patients with IgA nephropathy. Any questions, you can send free messages to chinakidneyhospital@gmail.com

