
œdème, insuffisance rénale

Renal failure patients with edema causes? Renal failure patients will show a lot of symptoms, but edema is a situation, the problem is also very troubled by these patients, there are many people do not know why it will cause edema. So we must understand what is the reason, this way in the treatment can make a better way.

Renal failure refers to the partial or total loss of renal function of the pathological state. What are the causes of renal failure edema? Renal failure is divided into acute renal failure and chronic renal failure. Acute renal failure is caused by a variety of causes of renal excretion in a short period of time a sharp decline in the emergence of a group of clinical syndrome.
One, liver and kidney yin deficiency.
This type of renal failure patients are often transformed from renal failure. Chinese medicine believes that "wet muddy evil off the next focus, wet obstruct the heat, damp heat for a long time, hurt the liver and kidney; or liver and kidney loss or atrioventricular node, and complex sense of exorcism developed into renal failure; In the traditional Warming rule of the kidney caused by the warming of the product consumption of kidney yin; or because the doctor at the beginning of the disease, reuse bitter cold products, bitter cold injury, bitter cold injury Yin; or because of the treatment process, the investment of hormones, hormones for the hot drugs, help the health Shangyin the disadvantages.
In other words, the presence of inflammation in the body, intercourse without control, drug abuse, increase the dose of drugs, indiscriminate use of hormones, are likely to cause the occurrence of renal failure, edema symptoms.
Second, Yin and blood deficiency.
This type of renal failure patients, due to long-term presence of proteinuria, hematuria symptoms, repeated attacks, resulting in a large number of its body material from the urine loss, Yin and blood deficiency, will be associated with the occurrence of edema. In addition, due to long-term kidney damage, the patient's spleen and kidney, and can not provide enough material, but also cause Yin and blood deficiency of the important reasons.
Third, wet heat stagnation.
Because of the different living conditions of patients with renal failure, combined with eating habits and preferences are also different, spleen and stomach dysfunction, long and physically weak will easily lead to renal failure edema. Chinese medicine stresses "spleen and kidney deficiency, then induced wetting, wet heat, increase hot and humid evil, hot and humid evil and increase the spleen and kidney deficiency; spleen and kidney deficiency and dampness evil, lead and increase the gas, The production of the product, and the pathological products and increase the spleen and kidney deficiency, damp heat for a long time. So repeated, the formation of a vicious circle! "That once the body's spleen, stomach, kidney weakness, then over time, the final renal failure patients edema symptoms Long term existence, repeated unhealed.

Renal failure as a disease progression of progressive disease, the patient, the long illness is prone to congestion, Qi, wet, evil, etc., there is insufficient blood, yin and yang disorders, visceral deficiency and other illnesses. The occurrence of edema of renal failure patients, the disease is biased, the pathogenesis is focused, therefore, in the treatment of renal failure need to be based on the pathogenesis of pathogenesis, to enhance the function of kidney damage, a fundamental improvement in renal failure patients edema , Taking into account in order to achieve good clinical results.

