
IgA nephropathy patients need to note about the diet

IgA nephropathy patients need to note about the diet, many people may not know when iga nephropathy patients such as hematuria, proteinuria, many times, has more than half of the glomerular damage. So at the same time protecting these inherent cell therapy, scientific and standardized diet should be taken to avoid on the already damaged kidneys worse, increasing the burden on the kidneys. So with IgA nephropathy diet should avoid does not allow contempt.
IgA nephropathy diet should eat foods:
1, vegetables and fruit. IgA nephropathy diet can eat more fresh vegetables, fruits; IgA nephropathy patients about the need to pay attention to diet
2, more water. If IgA nephropathy patients with microscopic hematuria, no edema, may be more water.
3, sugar, black sesame seeds, fungus and so on.
IgA nephropathy diet should not eat foods: IgA nephropathy patients need to note about the diet
1, animal offal, millet, mushroom, seaweed, soy, oranges, melon seeds, peanuts, bananas, non-vegetable oil;
2, fishy spicy food, seafood, beef, lamb, fried, crab, garlic, raw onions, parsley, vinegar, wine, beef, mutton, coffee, spiced materials and all the big hair thing;
3, lentils, spinach, lychee, chocolate;
4, high potassium foods: citrus, potatoes, tomatoes, squash, tea, soy sauce, monosodium glutamate and so on. In contrast to patients with low potassium consumption.
These are the considerations in patients with IgA nephropathy diet, the desire to help everyone, but if there is a problem, please go to the hospital in time, if you want to know more you can leave a message to igacure@gmail.com. We will answer your questions as soon as possible.

