
IgA nephropathy can do eating grapes

Grapes is one of the fruits of the people's favorite, a lot of patients with IgA nephropathy also like to eat. So IgA nephropathy patients can eat grapes it? Many patients worry about their condition unfavorable grapes, fear will be worse. IgA nephropathy diet can actually eat grapes it? Here we introduce specific, we want to help the patient.

Experts say that up to 1030 the amount of grape sugar, glucose-based. A lot of acid in grapes helps digestion, appropriate to eat grapes, spleen and stomach. Grapes contain minerals such as calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and vitamins B1, B2, B6, C and P, also contains many essential amino acids.

For patients with IgA nephropathy can eat grapes it? Expert commentary, IgA nephropathy diet should eat carbohydrate foods and starchy foods such as rice grains, lotus root starch, sugar cane, yams, honey, sugar, fruit juice drinks, fresh fruit. According to medical studies have reported that IgA nephropathy can eat grapes, and while cancer and lung disease resistance.

It can be said of patients with IgA nephropathy grape juice is good food, you can reduce the body's kidneys albumin and sodium chloride, and grape juice also contains a lot of easy digestion and absorption of carbohydrates sugar content of up to 16, most of which is glucose while promoting digestion of glucose also contains an acid.

Through the above description, we should be able to IgA nephropathy patients grapes do have some understanding of this issue. Experts advise, IgA nephropathy patients must pay attention to diet, and some foods are beneficial to the disease, may be appropriate to supplement; while some will aggravate the condition, we should avoid eating.

