(B) eat black fungus, black fungus is rich in minerals and trace elements, to produce strong chemical reactions of various stones, stones exfoliation, differentiation, dissolved excreted.
(C) a reasonable calcium, especially in patients with kidney stones calcium diet often "talk calcium phobia", mistakenly believe that the culprit is calcium kidney stones, it is not true, patients also need calcium kidney stones. Currently the medical profession from two different angles to explain why patients with kidney stones calcium.
The first is a calcium supplement can be combined with the gastrointestinal tract and vegetables contain oxalic acid to form insoluble calcium oxalate, and excreted from the body, reducing the gastrointestinal absorption and partially excreted by the kidneys oxalic acid, thereby reducing the probability of the formation of kidney stones.
The second is a Japanese scholar's "acid-base balance theory." That is when the blood is acidic, easy to form stones. When alkaline, inhibiting stone formation. When calcium blood acidic, reasonable calcium, blood slightly alkaline, so instead of beneficial to inhibit stone formation.
(D) eat soy products, soy foods contain oxalate and phosphate are high, the kidneys can be integrated with calcium to form stones.
(E) limit the intake of carbohydrates, the latest results of a study on the medical show that the intake of high-sugar foods, you can make to increase the chance of kidney stones, Beijing Military General Hospital Urology Expert Tip: pay attention to eat sweets.
(F) Shen drink milk before going to bed, sleep bad people, a cup of milk before bedtime helps sleep. But after sleep, decreased urine output, concentrated, increased urinary various tangible substance. And 2 to 3 hours after drinking milk, calcium is excreted through the kidneys peak. Sudden increase of calcium through the kidneys in a short, easy to form stones. Therefore, patients with kidney stones, high calcium bedtime should not drink milk.
(G) eat foods containing high amounts of oxalate-containing foods high in oxalate tomato, spinach, strawberries, beets, chocolate, excessive intake of oxalate is also leading causes of kidney stones .
(I) Do not overdose cod liver oil, cod liver oil is rich in vitamin D, calcium and phosphorus promote intestinal absorption feature film, a sudden increase in urinary excretion of calcium and phosphorus is bound to produce precipitation, easy to form stones.